9 Books That Will Reignite Your Love of Beauty

From the Editorialist
9 Books That Will Reignite Your Love of Beauty

Dr. Imber was featured recently on the Editorialist for his knowledge of beauty and plastic surgery. Here is a brief excerpt of the article….

While many get their beauty content from browsing TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, there’s something to be said for leafing through the pages of a book. Digital media can be fleeting; it’s easy to keep on scrolling, letting the memory of a beautiful look fade into the ether as quickly as it had appeared. But there’s something about physically memorialized concepts and designs that tend to stick with you.

Though it’s just as easy to get sucked into browsing through thousands of bite-sized pieces of work on your timeline, it’s far more fulfilling to get lost for hours in the pages of a good book. Ahead, we round up some of the best beauty books that have inspired and engaged us over the years, from memoirs and instructional guides to mesmerizing coffee table books your guests will gravitate towards during every visit. Keep reading and get ready to cozy up with some of our all-time favorites.

The New Youth Corridor by Dr. Gerald Imber

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Imber is responsible for keeping the creme de la creme of NYC society looking effortlessly youthful, so you can trust that you’ll see real results from his prescriptive guide. In addition to outlining skincare products and surgical procedures that can help stave off more serious signs of aging, he offers a plan complete with exercise regimens, dietary suggestions, and vitamins that can help maintain a younger look—sans surgery.

Read here to read the rest of the article: https://editorialist.com/lifestyle/best-beauty-books/

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