dark haired woman on pink background smiling

Can Microsuction Replace A Mini Facelift?

It’s a great question. And the answer really will surprise you. For some people, Microsuction can actually replace a mini facelift. If you’re relatively young and issues are basically the heaviness of the lower face, early jowling,and a little bit of double chin, microsuction can truly help maintain a youthful appearance.

What are Jowls?

Jowls are areas of loose skin, fat deposits, or swelling that hang below the chin and jawline. They can make the face look older and less defined, and can create a double chin-like appearance.

Microsuction is a term Dr. Imber developed to describe a form of liposuction using tiny specialized instruments to remove excess fat in facial areas. It is a very effective, minimally invasive technique that can improve areas like corners of the mouth, the jawline, hips, abdomen and double chin.

Microsuction gets rid of the fat under the chin and irritates the under surface of the skin causing the skin to actually shrink down a little bit. As a result, doubles and jowls are corrected and it has skin tightening benefits. If you’re young and have a little bit of fat under the chin, microsuction can do wonders for you. There are circumstances when microsuction can only improve the double chin but this is something to be discussed during a consultation with Dr. Imber.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Imber please call our office at 212-472-1800.

What is the goal of Microsuction?

Microsuction is extremely effective at removing small pouches of excess fat alongside the corners of the mouth, along the jawline and neck, and the heavy folds that develop along the nasolabial line from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth. The goal is to remove these excess fatty pockets and, by default, tighten the skin in the area.

How long is microsuction from recovery?

The results of the procedure are immediate, though masked a bit by swelling over the first week or two. In general, there is very little bruising. The actual results mature over six or eight weeks. At that point, all the swelling is long gone and the skin is as taut as it is going to be.

What is a mini facelift?

Mini Facelift is the least invasive version of the Limited Incision FaceLift. A Mini Facelift focuses on redefining the cheekbones and jawline. The incision for a Mini Facelift is in the sideburn and usually continues inside the ear, and behind the earlobe. It differs from the Limited Incision Facelift primarily in the amount of skin undermining and therefore has a more rapid postoperative course.

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