How To Look Young During Your Adult Life

How wonderful could it be if you could maintain your youthful appearance throughout adulthood, middle age and beyond? That is the driving force behind Dr. Imber’s practice and here are a few tips on how you can help yourself look and feel your best during adult life.

1. Prevention- Start Young!

Start treating your skin the right way in your 20s, and understand SPF is not negotiable. A simple skincare routine that is focused on cleansing, exfoliating and protection is enough when you are young and can significantly help later in life. Also, understand that any sun damage that happened earlier in life affects the skin later in life. So, protecting skin with SPF everyday can truly keep your skin looking great, and prevent fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots from occurring.

2. The best way to treat a wrinkle is to prevent it

The moment you see any fine lines or wrinkles on your skin, schedule an appointment with Dr. Imber. If you leave a wrinkle untreated, it can become deep and permanent. Botox is an FDA-approved wrinkle treatment that freezes the muscle and using small amounts of it in these areas can stop the wrinkles before they form. During your appointment, Dr. Imber will also suggest other preventative treatments to help strengthen collagen and elastin.

3. Be Smart!

Wear a hat, don’t pull on your face, stay away from spicy foods, don’t run! These are a few of Dr. Imber’s self-help tips for keeping your skin wrinkle free. Think about it what you do and start making changes to your daily habits that indirectly accelerate the way your skin ages.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Imber call (212) 472-1800 or email our office today!

Dr. Gerald Imber is a world-renowned board-certified NYC plastic surgeon and is recognized by the US News and World Report as among the top 1% of plastic surgeons in the United States. He is the Director of his plastic surgery practice located on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. Dr. Imber has performed more than 3000 Facelifts and specializes in less invasive surgical approaches for face and body. He offers a wide variety of anti-aging treatments including innovative esthetic and surgical procedures for both men and women.

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