What are the top concerns for men?

Men seeking out plastic surgery solutions as they age are more popular than you think.
handsome young man applying moisturizer to his face

35% of my clients are men and this number continues to increase as we discuss surgical solutions for men publicly. From my experience, men focus on different concerns than women.

Men can have frown lines, an imperfect nose and it won’t detract from their overall look. They don’t want to look 21. They want to look like vital attractive men. Understanding the needs of my patients allows me to provide them with the best results possible.

Right now, the top concerns for men include:

  1. Double Chin
  2. Bands around the neck
  3. Skin Laxity around the jaw line
  4. Under-Eye Bags

To see me as a plastic surgeon or to schedule a consultation with me at my New York City surgical practice, please call (212) 472-1800 or email info@drimber.com

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