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How to Treat the Tear Trough Under the Eye

Everyone has tear troughs, or hollows under the eye. However, these can become deeper due to genetics or aging, making us look dissipated or tired. Fortunately, there are ways to improve these areas so that your under eyes aren’t making you look like you’ve been...

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Top 5 Benefits of Lower Eyelid Cosmetic Surgery

How Can a Lower Eyelid Lift Benefit Me? Dr. Gerald Imber, Board-certified NYC plastic surgeon, offers two specialized approaches to lower blepharoplasty. If your primary issue is excess skin, he may recommend the clamping eyelid technique. Or, if under-eye bags are...

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Recovery Tips for Tear Trough Augmentation

Tear Trough Augmentation in New York City If you are looking for any kind of under-eye rejuvenation in the Tri-State Area, it’s best to seek the care and precision of NYC board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gerald Imber. During your initial consultation, Dr. Imber...

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How To Look at Plastic Surgery Before and After Images

How are you supposed to view before and after images? Well, you look at them with a grain of salt. It’s important to understand that we’re human also and we’re not going to show you pictures that we don’t think are good. And we do try to resist showing you pictures...

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The Ultimate Solution To Getting Rid Of Your Double Chin

If you're wondering why you still have a double chin despite having lost weight, the answer really is that the amount of fat that is in this area isn’t comparable to the rest of your body. You lose fat proportionally. So if you lose 10% of the fat in the rest of your...

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Can Microsuction Replace A Mini Facelift?

For some people, Microsuction can actually replace a mini facelift. If you’re relatively young and issues are basically the heaviness of the lower face, early jowling,and a little bit of double chin, microsuction can truly help maintain a youthful appearance. What are...

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How to Treat the Tear Trough Under the Eye

Everyone has tear troughs, the hollow under the eye. With aging or with genetic makeup some of us have a much deeper hollow. READ MORE

Top 5 Benefits of Lower Eyelid Cosmetic Surgery

Lower eyelid cosmetic surgery, also known as lower blepharoplasty, is a transformative procedure used to address aesthetic concerns dealing with one or both lower eyelids. These could include wrinkled skin, under-eye bags, or both. READ MORE

Combining Upper Blepharoplasty With Other Cosmetic Procedures

The upper blepharoplasty, or upper eyelid lift, is a plastic surgery procedure used to correct droopy, saggy upper eyelids. However, the aging process rarely affects only one part of the face. Therefore, if you are interested in facial cosmetic surgery, it makes the most… READ MORE

Recovery Tips for Tear Trough Augmentation

Tear trough augmentation is a cosmetic eye procedure used to restore lost volume to “hollows” under the eyes using dermal fillers or fat grafting (transfer). Both methods typically have a short recovery period (1-2 weeks for fillers and 2-3 weeks for fat transfer), but… READ MORE

How To Look at Plastic Surgery Before and After Images

Let’s talk a bit about plastic surgery before and after images. READ MORE

The Ultimate Solution To Getting Rid Of Your Double Chin

Many patients frequently schedule surgical consultations at my New York City practice asking about how to remove the double chin. Claiming they have lost weight but their double chin is still there and they want to know why their double chin does not go… READ MORE

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