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Are You A Candidate For A Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck can tighten the abdominal skin that gets stretched out after significant weight loss. READ MORE

3 Stages of the Aging Neck

For the most part, when it comes to aging, we are always focused on the face. However, the neck is a rising point of concern for our patients. And the terms turkey neck or tech neck aren’t being thrown around as loosely anymore, since… READ MORE

Top Surgery Options for Bat Wings

One of the most distressing signs of middle age are loose upper arms, sometimes called bat wings. The development is completely out of your control, it is an age-related hereditary problem, and only a plastic surgeon can reverse it. READ MORE

Top 3 Treatments for a Non-Invasive Mommy-Makeover

It’s the New Year and 2020 is the year of the Body. From muscle toning, to fat melting, to improving your stretch marks it is easy to improve your physique without being a slave to the gym. You don’t always have to go under… READ MORE

What is a Tear-Trough Correction?

Aging begins around the eyes and can result in hollowness under the eyes, also known as the tear trough. The hollow is due to the loss of fat/volume in the area and can cause you to look tired. There are a couple of ways… READ MORE

Honest Advice About Aging From Top NYC Plastic Surgeon

As far as skin is concerned, there are genetic, chemical and mechanical causes for the visible changes that we think of as aging. The fact that we know the three main sources related to aging allows us to efficiently treat your skin for your… READ MORE

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