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Top Tips to Stay Calm

1.Exercise Being active is good for mind and body. Since gyms are closed, make a space at home where you can be active for at least 30 minutes a day. Check out this New York Times article for some tips. 2. Do not pull at your face During stressful times, we tend to...

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Are you considering a Jawline Augmentation?

The hallmarks of an attractive face are almost always strong cheekbones and a defined jaw. The nose doesn’t have to be perfect but angularity is the goal. Angularity accentuates what is good, drawing attention away from the rest. This has always and will always be the...

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Your Timeline to Look Great For Any Event!

To make this easy, Dr. Imber has outlined a variety of surgical and esthetic procedures that can help you reach your goals by show time. However, it’s important to consider that a customized plan is always best and everyone responds differently to everything....

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Dr. Imber Tells You The Facts About Filler

Some popular areas where we use Filler, including marionette lines, those nasty lines and folds running down from the corners of the mouth, and fillers are fashionable for plumping up lips and softening lip lines. While Filler can be helpful, there is a term called...

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Top Cosmetic Surgery Trends for 2020

While there is so much newness out there, we aren’t here to reinvent the wheel when it comes to surgical procedures and remember cutting corners doesn’t get you anywhere. However, the focus has shifted from bigger more invasive surgeries to minimally invasive...

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Top Early Signs of Aging

Here is a list of annoying changes we can all expect from aging. It is important to note that these concerns can manifest at different times for different individuals, and you may not have them all. But sometimes, even when you are looking at yourself frequently, you...

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How To Look Young During Your Adult Life

How wonderful could it be if you could maintain your youthful appearance throughout adulthood, middle age and beyond? That is the driving force behind Dr. Imber’s practice and here are a few tips on how you can help yourself look and feel your best… READ MORE

Our Office is Open- Time to Book Your Appointment

Our office is open and we are ready to see you! We are all taking the necessary precautions to ensure your appointment is as safe as possible. So, now that the door is unlocked, what is on your procedure bucket-list? Here, we outline a… READ MORE

An Update About Our Reopening

As New York Life resumes, one thing is certain; it will be an adjustment for everyone. READ MORE

Memorial Day Skincare

As we head into the unofficial start of summer, it is important to remember that skin can easily be damaged from the sun. And no matter how much exposure you may have, you need to practice sun safety tips. READ MORE

How to look your best on a video chat

Whether it is a Zoom work call, Birthday party, or FaceTime/Houseparty Happy Hours you are probably finding yourself in front of the camera much more frequently. READ MORE

A personal message…

I want to take a moment to share my thoughts about what is happening globally. READ MORE

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